To Be Confident You Just Need to Know the Outcome

By | April 8, 2023

Confidence is all about the outcome and your ability to control or handle it. That’s it.

Think of a sport you play or skill that you have and why you’re confident at it (or if you’re not confident at it yet then why) and you’ll find that your mastery of the skill is where your confidence comes from. You know that you can do it, you know what you’re doing, and you know how to make it look good… that’s confidence.

How to Have More Control Over The Outcome

If you can control the outcome then you’ll be very confident in the process but many times there will be several factors that are out of your control that will affect you. For example, if you’re playing a team sport then other teammates could be letting you down, the other team could be better, or a whole number of reasons could affect the outcome of events. How do you remain confident when there’s so many factors that are out of your control?

The way to have more control in every situation is to master, or become very experienced, in the skills/areas that you operate. To do this you need to practise while putting a lot of time and effort into the skill for months or even years on end. If you’re a master of the skill, then external factors won’t bother you as much because you know that YOU are a master. It’s having confidence through practise and knowing what your abilities are.

Failure is the best teacher
Failure is the best teacher

For example, let’s take the sports scenario and apply it to football. If you’re a striker and have practised shooting into the top left corner for hours on end, when you see an opportunity to do that in a match then you’ll have the confidence to do it. It doesn’t matter how good the opposing goalkeeper is or how good the defence is, you’ll be confident that you can shoot the ball into the top left corner so you’ll go for it.

How To Handle Any Outcome

Trial and error are the best ways to learn anything and, unfortunately, it’s the only way to become a master at a skill. Whatever it is you’re trying to master and become confident in you are going to fail several times before you get it perfect. You are going to be embarrassed, possibly ridiculous, and you will have times when you question your abilities.

The truth is, no matter what the outcome is you will be okay, and life will go on.

Let’s say you’re on a night out and you want to ask someone for their number. You go up to them and attempt to make conversation, but they say no and turn away. What do you think will happen next? You will feel embarrassed, your mates might make fun of you for a minute, and you’ll walk away empty handed. You can handle that right?

Whatever happens, you will be alright
Whatever happens, you will be alright

You’ve been the butt of the joke before, you’ve wanted the earth to open beneath you and swallow you, and you’ve most certainly faced a loss before. You survived it then and you’ll survive the next time it happens and the next. No matter the outcome, you’ve faced those negative emotions before and lived to tell the tale so what’s different this time?

In Conclusion

  • Being confident is all about your ability to control or handle the outcome
  • You can have more control over the outcome by being a master in the skill
  • You can handle any outcome, you’ve faced the consequences before and survived, what makes it different this time?

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2 thoughts on “To Be Confident You Just Need to Know the Outcome

  1. Pingback: The Question That Will Grow Your Social Media Following - Jambuckett

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